A Joy Beyond Measure
Hymn Arrangements by Christopher J. Madsen

“Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a blessing of duty and love.”
A Joy Beyond Measure stands as reflections of a missionary about finding daily joy in serving the Lord and serving others. The album contains 13 hymn arrangements and 1 composition that were originally written by CJ Madsen over the course of serving for 2 years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Carolina.
There is also a Spanish version of the album.
Solo piano, piano/vocal, and piano/vocal/instrumental arrangements of Latter-day Saint hymns
Sample Track: “Ye Elders of Israel”
Price: $5.00
Ye Elders of Israel (2:55)
Baptism (2:54)
Lead, Kindly Light (3:41)
Service Medley (4:00)
Be Still, My Soul (4:19)
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth (3:26)
Placentero nos es Trabajar (3:03)
The Psalm of Nephi (5:45)
Sweet Hour of Prayer (2:45)
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise (2:18)
I Believe in Christ (5:14)
I Stand All Amazed (4:13)
Master, the Tempest Is Raging (5:22)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (3:50)
Total running time: 53:45